Contact Settings

Author: SportsPlus 1033 views

The contact details on the public website help the visitors to get in touch with your organization. Accordingly, this area allows you to easily put up the right contact information on your organization’s public website.

  • Public Website Contact Details
    • Contact phone number: Enter the contact phone number of your organization.
    • Contact email address: Enter the contact email address of your organization.
    • Country: Select the country of your organization.
    • State: Select the state of your organization.
    • City: Enter the city of your organization.
    • Street Address: Specify the complete street address of your organization.
    • Zip Code: Enter the area zip/postal code of your organization.
  • Social media profiles on the contact pageSpecify whether to show or not show your organization’s social media profiles on the public website contact page.
  • Contact icon on the websiteSpecify whether to show or not show a floating message icon at the bottom-right of the public website, allowing visitors to contact your organization staff.
  • Additional contact infoEnter any additional contact info in free form text, which will be displayed on your organization’s public website contact page.

After making the changes, click on Save. Your settings will be saved and are immediately reflected on the organization’s public website.