Payments & Orders

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“Learn How to View & Manage All Your Payments & Placed Orders”

The ‘Payments & Orders’ page is the area where you can view & manage all your payments related to the program registrations & orders. The page also allows you to view & keep a track of the payment details of your family members.

How does ‘Payments & Orders’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Payments & Orders’ page.

Payments & Orders List
The page is segregated into 3 tables to distinguish between the payment information for you and your family members.

  • The first table will show the payment information related to your program registrations. The list is sorted based on the ‘payment due date’ in the descending order.
  • The second table will show the payment information related to all the placed orders. The recently placed/paid orders are displayed at the top.
  • The third table will show the payment information related to the program registrations of all your family members. The list is sorted based on the ‘payment due date’ in the descending order.

Sort the List as Required
You may sort the program payments list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as Program Name, Due Amount, Due Date, Paid Amount, Paid Date, C Fee, Late Fee Status. For example, click on the program name label to sort the list by name in an alphabetical order.

You may also sort the placed orders list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as Name, Quantity, Instructions, Date Ordered, Price, Paid Amount & C Fee. For example, click on the name label to sort the list based on the name in alphabetical order.

Payment Payment Properties
For each payment record, the following properties will be displayed.

  1. Program Name: The name of the organization program to which you have registered.
  2. Due Amount: The payment due amount for the current installment.
  3. Due Date: The payment due date for the current installment.
  4. Paid Amount: The last payment made.
  5. Paid Date: The last payment date.
  6. C Fee: The processing fee collected for the online payment.
  7. Late Fee: The late fee collected for the current installment.
  8. Payment Status:
    1. The current status of your payment.
    2. The payment status may be anyone from the following-
      1. Paid Fully: Full payment has been made.
      2. Waived Fully: Full payment has been waived off.
      3. Waived Partially: Some part of the payment amount has been waived off.
      4. Not Paid: No payment has been made.
      5. Under Paid: Paid partially
      6. Over Paid: Paid more than the due amount
    3. The payment status will be displayed using the following colors.
      1. Green- Indicates that the program fee is paid fully before the due date.
      2. Orange- Indicates that the program fee is not paid fully and the payment is not past due.
      3. Red- Indicates that the program fee is not paid fully past the due date.
  9. Actions: Based on your current payment status, the actions available are:
    1. Click on the  icon to make the payment offline with a check…
    2. Click on the Pay link to make the online payment.
    3. Click on the Resume Registration link to resume & complete your program registration.


  • All the payment records, except those with the payment status as not paid will display a  icon beside the program name. Click on it to view the payment details.
  • The actions column will be available only for your payment records. You will not be able to perform any actions for your family members.

Placed Order Properties
For every order, the following properties will be displayed.

  1. Name: The name of the order item.
  2. Quantity: The total volume of items ordered.
  3. Instructions (1, 2 & 3): The instructions provided for the order.
  4. Date Ordered: The date of placing the order.
  5. Price: The total price of the order item.
  6. Paid Amount: The amount paid for the order.
  7. C Fee: The processing fee collected for the order.
  8. Payment Status: The current payment status of the order.
    1. Fully Paid- indicates that you have totally paid for the order.
    2. Waived Fully- indicates that the total amount of the order has been waived off.
    3. Waived Partially- indicates that some part of the order amount has been waived off and the remaining has to be paid.
    4. Not Paid- indicates that you haven’t paid for the order.
  9. Actions: The option to Pay the outstanding balance of the order.

Note: The orders with payment status as paid or partially waived or fully waived will display a  icon on the left corner. Click on it to view the payment details.

Update Order Payment
Follow the below steps to make the payment for any unpaid or partially paid orders.

  1. Click on Pay located under the actions column of the desired order.
  2. It will navigate to the checkout page, where you can make the payment either through credit card/debit card or bank transfer.

Note: The online bank transfer facility is available only with the ‘WePay’ payment gateway.

How to Reach the ‘Payments & Orders’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Payments’ page.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on My from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Payments & Orders.