Age Groups
As the name indicates, it allows group players and teams based on their age.
You can specify the age group for a team while creating or updating the teams in your organization.

The above screenshot shows a list of age groups:
- The list of age groups is displayed in a table format.
- You can sort the list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as ID, Name, Born on or after, Born on or before, #Teams, Priority, and Update date.
- For example, click on the Name label to sort the list by age group names in alphabetical order.
Age Group Properties
An age group consists of the following properties.
- ID: An unique identification number to identify the age group.
- Name: The name of the age group. Clicking on the age group name or id will open the age group details page.
- Born on or after: Players born on or after the specified date belong to this age group.
- Born on or before: Players born on or before the specified date belong to this age group.
If both Born on or after and Born on or before are specified, then the AND logical operator applies. Players must be born on or in between those dates. - # Teams: The number of teams that are associated with the age group.
- Priority: The priority tells the importance of an age group. When presented to the user in a list, higher priority age groups appear ahead of the lower priority age groups.
- Update date: The date on which the age group last updated.
- Actions: The options to Update and Delete the age group.
Adding an Age Group
Click on the green plus icon at the top right corner and enter the following details.

- Name: Provide a meaningful name for the age group, which can identify the age of the players of teams that belong to this age group.
- Priority: The priority tells the importance of the age group. When presented to the user, higher priority age groups appear at the top of the list.
- Born on or after: Players born on or after the specified date belong to this age group.
- Born on or before: The minimum & maximum age limit to qualify for the age group. Players born on or before the specified date belong to this age group.
If both Born on or after and Born on or before are specified, then the AND logical operator applies. Players must be born on or in between those dates. - Allow tracking scores and standings: Choose if you would like to allow entering game scores to generate standings for this age group teams.
- Description: Enter a brief description of the age group. It can be more about the age of an athlete including the dates between which the athletes must be born to be eligible for this age group.
- Note: Adding a description is optional.
- Click on Add to save the age group.
To add teams to the age group, perform the following steps-

- Click on the Add teams to the age groups button and then select one or more teams that you would like to add to this age group. This option will be visible only when there are no teams added to the age group.
- While selecting the teams, you can view the teams by alphabetical order, age group, or division as shown below.

- After selecting the teams, click on Done. The list of teams added to the age group will be displayed. To remove a team from the age group, click on the red cross icon under the Actions column to remove a team from the age group.

After adding teams to the age groups, the following two links are displayed at the bottom of the page.

- Schedule games manually: Clicking on this link will open the Add Game modal window, where you can schedule games for the teams present under the age group. By doing so, it becomes easier to schedule games between the teams having the same age groups.
- Auto-generate games: Clicking on this link will navigate you to the auto-scheduler area, where you can use the league or tournament scheduler to generate the games for your league or tournament.
Note: Schedule games manually and Auto-generate games can be accessed under Actions as well.
Updating the Age Group
To update an age group, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Update age group.

Update the age group details as needed, and after making the necessary changes, click on Update. The changes will be immediately reflected in all relevant areas.
Deleting the Age Group
To delete an age group, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Delete age group.

Note: You cannot delete an age group that has teams linked to it. To delete such an age group, remove the teams from the age group, and then delete it.