All Widgets
Access and manage the system-provided widgets and user-added custom widgets. These widgets can be added to the public website pages.
The widgets are arranged based on the functionality or the data type of the widget.
This section contains the system provided general widgets, which can be placed on any webpage.

- Online Registration
- This widget will display the overall status of the online registration for the programs added by your organization staff in the Registration > Programs area.
- A Register Now button is displayed on the widget based on the overall registration status, which allows registering for the open programs.
- To update the online registration status, click on the blue pencil icon located on the left of the Online Registration label text.
Note: The status defined here will not affect the programs in any manner. Each program has its own registration controls, which function independently of the settings defined here.
- Quick Links
- This widget will display the links of your organization staff’s external website pages in the Publish > Links area.
- The recently added/updated quick link will be displayed at the top and earlier at the list’s bottom.
- Click on the link name to open the linked website page in a new tab/window.
- To manage the quick links, click on the blue pencil icon located on the left of the Quick Links label text.
- Field Status
- This widget will display the overall status of your organization staff’s fields/locations in the Manage > Fields area.
- The count of total fields/locations that are opened and closed is also displayed in this widget.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Fields is displayed, and on clicking it, the Fields website page will be displayed.
- To manage the fields/locations, click on the blue pencil icon located on the left of the Field Status label text.
- Documents
- This widget will display the list of uploaded documents by your organization staff in the Registration > Documents area.
- Click on the document name to view/open it.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Documents is displayed, and on clicking it, the Documents website page will be displayed.
- To manage the documents, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Documents label text’s left side.
- Board of Directors
- This widget will display the list of your organization staff members who are having the board member role.
- The details include the name, contact number, and email address of the staff members.
- To manage the staff members, click on the blue pencil icon located on the board of directors’ left side label text.
- Weather
- This widget will display the weather forecast details for the next 5 days based on your organization’s location.
- The weather forecast is fetched and displayed based on the zip code (for the United States) and city (for the rest of the world) provided in the Website Settings > Contact area. If the city or zip code is not available in the Website Settings > Contact area, then it will be fetched based on your organization account (Super Admin > Association Settings > General area).
- To update the organization’s contact details, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Weather label text’s left side.
- Add HTML Code
- This is an upcoming feature, and the organization’s admin will be notified when it gets available.
- Contact
- This widget will display your organization’s contact details, provided in the Website Settings > Contact area.
- To update the organization’s contact details, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Contact label text’s left side.
- Sports Quotes
- This is a special widget provided by SportsPlus, which will display the list of trending quotes based on your organization’s primary sport
- To view more interesting quotes, click on the More Quotes link, and you will be navigated to the SportsQuotes website.
- Category Slideshow Multiple
- This widget will display a slideshow of the categories added by your organization staff in the Manage > Categories area.
- To manage the categories, click on the blue pencil icon located on the left side of the Category Slideshow Multiple label text.
Note: This widget can be added to the center section of the web page only.
This section contains all the scheduling related widgets.

- Upcoming Games
- This widget will display the list of upcoming games that are scheduled by your organization.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Games is displayed, and on clicking it, the Schedules website page will be displayed.
- To manage the upcoming games, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Upcoming Games label text’s left side.
- Upcoming Events
- This widget will display the list of upcoming events that are scheduled by your organization.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Events is displayed, and on clicking it, the Schedules website page with the upcoming events will be displayed.
- To manage the upcoming events, click on the blue pencil icon located on the left side of the Upcoming Events label text.
- Upcoming Practices
- This widget will display the list of upcoming practices that are scheduled by your organization.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Practices is displayed, and on clicking it, the Schedules website page with the upcoming practices will be displayed.
- To manage the upcoming practices, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Upcoming Practices label text’s left side.
- Past Games
- This widget will display the list of past games that are organized by your organization.
- To manage the past games, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Past Games label text’s left side.
- Cancelled Games
- This widget will display the list of all the cancelled upcoming games of your organization.
- To manage the upcoming games, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Cancelled Games label text’s left side.
- Cancelled Practices
- This widget will display the list of all the cancelled upcoming practices of your organization.
- To manage the upcoming practices, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Cancelled Practices label text’s left side.
- Cancelled Events
- This widget will display the list of all the upcoming cancelled events of your organization.
- To manage the upcoming events, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Cancelled Events label text’s left side.
This section contains all the gallery related widgets.

- Albums:
- This widget will display a slideshow of the public albums added by your organization staff in the Publish > Gallery area.
- To manage the albums, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Albums label text’s left side.
- Pictures:
- This widget will display a slideshow of all the public album pictures uploaded by your organization staff in the Publish > Gallery area.
- To manage the pictures, click on the blue pencil icon located on the pictures label text’s left side.
- Videos:
- This widget will display a slideshow of all the public album videos embedded by your organization staff in the Publish > Gallery area.
- To manage the videos, click on the blue pencil icon located on the Videos label text’s left side.
This section contains all the business allied widgets, such as sponsors, partners, and associations.

- Sponsor Full List
- This widget will display all your organization sponsors’ list, added in the Publish > Sponsors area.
- The list includes sponsors having the type of both image and text.
- If any website address is linked to a sponsor, then clicking on the sponsor image/text will open the linked website page in a new tab/window.
- Sponsor Slideshow One
- This widget will display a slideshow of all your organization sponsors (one sponsor at a time), added in the Publish > Sponsors area.
- The slideshow includes sponsors having the type image only.
- If any website address is linked to a sponsor, then clicking on the sponsor image will open the linked website page in a new tab/window.
- Sponsor Slideshow Multiple
- This widget will display all your organization sponsors’ continuous slideshow, added in the Publish > Sponsors area.
- The slideshow includes sponsors having the type of image only.
- This widget can be added to the center section of the webpage only.
- Hovering the cursor on any sponsor will pause the slideshow, and if there is any website address linked to a sponsor, then clicking on the sponsor image will open the linked website page in a new tab/window.
Managing your organization Sponsors, Associations, and Partners
- To add or manage the existing sponsors or associations or partners, click on the link Click Here at the page’s top-center.
Note: The order in which the sponsors/associations/partners are displayed is fetched based on the setting Sponsor display order provided in the Website Settings > General area.
Social Media
This section contains widgets related to social media platforms.
You can configure your organization’s social media profiles from the Super Admin > Main Settings > Social Media area.

- This widget will display your organization’s Facebook page.
- This widget will display your organization’s Twitter page.
- Social media
- This widget will display the social media share/follow icons of your organization’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and Instagram pages.
- This widget will display your organization’s Instagram page.
- YouTube video
- This widget will display your organization’s embedded youtube video.
- YouTube channel
- This widget will display your organization’s YouTube channel page.
This section contains widgets related to the content items.

- Announcements
- This widget will display the list of announcements, based on the priority added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the announcement title to view it.
- To update an announcement, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the announcement title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Announcements is displayed, and on clicking it, the Announcements website page will be displayed.
- Announcements with Body
- This widget will display the list of announcements and the body text, based on the priority added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the announcement title to view it.
- To update an announcement, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the announcement title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Announcements is displayed, and on clicking it, the Announcements website page will be displayed.
- Articles
- This widget will display the list of articles, based on the priority, added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the article name to view it.
- To update an article, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the article name.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Articles is displayed, and on clicking it, the Articles website page will be displayed.
- Articles with Body
- This widget will display the list of articles and the body text, based on the priority added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the article name to view it.
- To update an article, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the article name.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Articles is displayed, and on clicking it, the Articles website page will be displayed.
- Latest News
- This widget will display the list of news items based on the priority added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the news title to view it.
- To update a news item, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the news title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All News is displayed, and on clicking it, the News website page will be displayed.
- Latest News with Summary
- This widget will display the list of news items and the summary text, based on the priority added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the news title to view it.
- To update a news item, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the news title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All News is displayed, and on clicking it, the News website page will be displayed.
- Latest News with Body
- This widget will display the list of news items along with the body text, based on the priority, which is added by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the news title to view it.
- To update a news item, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the news title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All News is displayed, and on clicking it, the News website page will be displayed.
- Stories
- This widget will display the list of stories based on the priority posted by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the story title to view it.
- To update a story, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the story title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Stories is displayed, and on clicking it, the Stories website page will be displayed.
- Stories with Body
- This widget will display the list of stories and the body text, based on the priority, which your organization staff posted in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the story title to view it.
- To update a story, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the story title.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Stories is displayed, and on clicking it, the Stories website page will be displayed.
- Policies
- This widget will display the list of your organization staff’s list of policies in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the policy name to view it.
- To update a policy, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the story policy.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Policies is displayed, and on clicking it, the Policies website page will be displayed.
- Policies with Body
- This widget will display the list of policies and the body text posted by your organization staff in the Publish > Content area.
- Click on the policy name to view it.
- To update a policy, click on the blue pencil icon located at the end of the story policy.
- At the bottom of the widget, a link with the text All Policies is displayed, and on clicking it, the Policies website page will be displayed.
Custom Widgets
Access and manage the custom widgets for your organization. Add new widgets of your choice by inserting text and media files.

Adding a custom widget
To add a custom widget, click on the plus icon located at the top-right corner of the custom widget page and enter the following details.

- Widget Name: Specify a name for the widget.
- Hide the widget header, title, and border: Select this option to show only the widget body text. The widget header, title, and border will be kept hidden.
- Widget Body: Enter the widget description/script as the rich text. You can also include images, videos. Use the rich text editor to format the content.
- Once you are done adding the body text, click on Save. The widget will be created and can be added to the web pages.
Updating a custom widget
To edit a custom widget,
- Click on the pencil icon located next to the name of the custom widget.
- Update the widget content as needed.
- After you are done making the changes, click on Update to save the changes and remain on the same page.
- Click on Update & Return to save the changes and return to the custom widget page.
- Once the changes are saved, it will be immediately reflected in the applicable areas.

Deleting a custom widget
To delete a custom widget, click on the trash icon located to the custom widget name’s right.
Note: You cannot delete a custom widget, which is added to a web page. To delete it, remove the widget from the web pages and then try deleting it.