All Registration
The organization staff members with the right role and access can access and manage all registrations received for all programs. These include all player, team, and tournament registrations received for the organization’s programs. You can search and filter the registrations, export them to a file with all registration details, or print.

The above screenshot shows how the registrations area looks like
- All the program registrations are listed in a table format.
- You can sort the list in alphabetical order, ascending or descending order by clicking on the column labels (Registration date, Member name, Program name, Fee, and Registration status).
Registration Properties
For each registration, the following properties are displayed.
- ID: An unique identification number to identify a registration. Clicking on the ID displays all details related to that registration including the data entered for the custom fields and payment details.
- Registration Date: The date on which the member has registered for the program.
- Member Name: The name of the member who has registered for the program. Click on the member name to open the Member Overview page, displaying the member details.
- Program Name: The name of the organization program. Click on the program name to open the Program details.
- Fee: The actual fee amount of the program.
- Registration Status: The member’s program registration status is displayed using the following three colors.
- Red- Indicates that the member has left the registration process on the Athlete Info page.
- Orange- Indicates that the member has left the registration process on the Waivers, Offers, More info, or Review & Confirm page.
- Green- Indicates that the member has completed the program registration.
Note: A member will complete the program registration even if the entire program fee is not paid.
- Payment status: It displays the payment status,
- Paid fully – The entire amount is paid.
- Partially paid – A part of the full amount is paid.
- Not paid – The payment is not completed.
- Registration incomplete – The member did not complete the registration process.
- Fulfillment status: Fulfillment status is updated by staff manually as suited for this registration. Fulfillment status is used for verification of documents, certificates such as Date of Birth certificate, Address documents. Fulfillment status is also used for tracking placed orders, team status manually. The staff can verify the documents individually. If the registrant has placed an order through the registration process, the staff can update the fulfillment status manually based on the available records.

- Set and enable the fulfillment status: Super admin> Org settings>Payments> Fulfillment status. Select the required fields which you want to display.
- For the tournament operators, the team name column is displayed in the place of the fulfillment status column.
- Actions:

- Update payments: All the program payment details of completed registrations can be updated. It shows the entire payments/fees records.

- It can be applied only if the payment status is Not Paid or Partially paid.
- The discount codes are not shown in the pop-up window while applying the discount. You can check the discounts associated with the programs from the Program details page.
- This option is available only if the discount was applied.
- The discount cannot be reverted if the payment status is Paid.
- View registration info: It displays the complete registration details. This is available for the registrations that have completed the first step of registration process.
- Update fulfillment status: Staff can manually update the right fulfillment status after the verification. For example, if the registrant has placed an order through the registration process, the staff can update the fulfillment status for orders.
- Send message: You can compose a personalized message to the registrant. A welcome message is prefilled for your convenience.
- Delete Registration:
- Click on the red trash icon to delete a program registration.
- You cannot delete a program registration with the payment status as ‘partially paid/fully paid’. You can delete a registration only if the payment status is ‘not paid’. To delete a registration with payment status as paid or partially paid, you must clear the payment status by clicking on the Update Payment > Clear link under Actions. Once the payment status has been cleared, you may delete the registration by clicking on the delete icon. The incomplete registrations can also be deleted.
Note: Tournament registrations cannot be deleted even if the payment status is Not paid. Remove the team from the tournament to delete the registration.
Search & Filter Options

You can search and filter the registration details by using the following options.
- Search: You can do a quick search by entering the ID, fee amount, program name, or member name or other details in the Search box.
- Select Program: Select the program from the drop-down to view all the registrations of the selected program.
- All: Select from the drop-down to view Complete registrations or Incomplete registrations. You can select All to view both.
Note: All is default and you can change it by going to the Super Admin > Payments > Registration. - Reset: Click on Reset to clear the applied filter and search keywords.

Click on the Print icon on the top right corner to print the program registration page.

Mouse over the Export icon on the top right corner to perform the following list of data operations.
- Export Basic Data: You can export the basic registration details such as member name, member ID, registration date, program name, program ID, program fee, status, and payment status in a CSV file format.
- Export Extended Data: You can export all the registration details for any one program at a time. To do so, first select the program and then click on the Export extended data option.
- View Basic Data: You can view the basic registration details such as member name, member ID, registration date, program name, program ID, program fee, status, and payment status.
- View Extended Data: You can view all the registration details for any one program. To do so, select the program first and then click on the Export extended data option.

By hovering onto the Grid icon, you will see options to perform the following actions
Add programs: Clicking on this navigates to the programs area where you can add a program.
Update public widget registration details: This widget is presented on the public website. Displays the registration status, the closing date of the registration, and you can display a message in that widget. To update the registration details for the widget displayed in the website, click on this option, and enter the following details.

- Current overall registration status is: You can update the overall registration status for all the programs available for registrations. If you don’t want to display the registration status on the website, select Not Applicable.
- Registration closes on: Select a date to be displayed as the closing date for all the registrations.
Note: This doesn’t change the individual program close date. - Registration message to display on the public website: Enter any text to display in the Online Registration widget on the website. Example: All fall programs are open for registration.
Click on Save for the status to be updated on the website.
Access registrations of retired programs: Navigates to the Programs area, where you can view and access the registrations of retired programs.
Visit programs on the website: Navigates to the registrations page on the public website. Your members (parents) will register for programs starting on this page.