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Learn How to Add & Manage Your Documents”

The ‘Documents’ page is the area where you can add & manage your documents and make them available for either team staff members or organization staff members.

How does ‘Documents’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Documents’ page.

List of Documents
The page will display-

  1. All the documents in a table format.
  2. The most recently added documents will be listed at the top.

Sort the List as Required
You may sort the list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as Document Name, Who Can View?, Summary & Update Date.

For example, click on the document name label to sort the list by name in an alphabetical order. However, clicking on the name of any document will open the document.

Document Properties
For every document, the following properties will be displayed.

  1. Document Name: The name of the document.
  2. Who Can View: The visibility of the document i.e. the permissions to view the document.
  3. Summary: A brief description of the document.
  4. Update Date: The date on which the document was created.
  5. Actions: Click on the   icon to delete the document.

Adding a New Document
To add a new document, click on the Add Document button located at the top-right corner of the page and provide the following details.

  1. Document Name: Provide a name for your document. This is a mandatory action and you must make sure the name of the document is unique and does not clash with the names of other existing documents you have added.
  2. Upload File:
    1. Browse & select the document file.
    2. The recommended file types are .xlsx, .doc, .txt, .pdf.
  3. Who Can View: Specify the viewing permission for your document. You can choose between the following options.
    1. Me Only: The document will be visible only to you.
    2. My Team Staff Only: Any of your team staff members can view the document.
    3. My Organization Staff Only: Any of your organization staff members can view the document.
    4. My Team and Organization Staff: Both the team staff members & organization staff members can view the document.
  4. Summary: Enter a brief description of the document.
  5. Click on Add to save the document.

Search Option
You may do a quick search for any specific document by entering the keywords in the Search box.

Where can the Team Staff Members View Your Documents?
Here are the steps for the team staff members to view the member documents.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the right Team area.
  2. Click on Roster from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on the  icon located under the actions column of the desired athlete.
  4. A pop-up with the list of member documents will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Click on the document name to view it.

Where can the Organization Staff Members View Your Documents?
Here are the steps for the organization staff members to view the member documents.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on Manage from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on athletes and then click on the  icon beside the name of the desired athlete.
  4. A pop-up with the list of member documents will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Click on the document name to view it.

How to Reach the ‘Documents’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Documents’ page.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on My from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Documents.