
Author: SportsPlus 837 views

When you save a message as a draft, it is saved and displayed as a list ready to be sent, edited, or deleted at any point in time as required in the ‘Drafts’ feature. 

You can access this feature by clicking on ‘Message’ from the menu on the left in the organization area. Then scroll to find the ‘Drafts’ tab.

Message > Drafts

Drafts are essential as you can get back to a particular email you have left incomplete previously and edit, save or send it as needed.


You can find any particular draft by entering the keywords into the search box. However, the keyword must be a word from the message’s subject. 


For each draft message, the following properties will be displayed.

  • Subject: A brief description of the message itself.
  • Date created: The date of creating the message
  • Update Date: The date on which the message was last modified.
  • #Attachments: The number of attachments added to the message.
  • Delete: You can delete any message.

Sorting the list: You can also sort the list in ascending or descending order of a particular property.

  • Subject
  • Create Date
  • Update Date
  • # Attachments

Note: To create a new draft, click on the green plus icon present at the top right corner of the page. You can also draft these messages from the ‘compose message’ feature.