Custom fields
Custom fields are used to collect additional information from the program registrants at the time of registration, along with the standard information. Custom fields can be added, updated, and deleted here and then you can attach them to a program to collect information from that program registrants during the registration time.
When there are no custom fields for your organization, then the following options will be available for you.

To add a new custom field, click on Add Custom Field.
You can click on Load commonly used custom fields to load the most commonly used system provided custom fields.
Once custom fields are added or loaded, then you will see the following view.

- The list of Active custom fields are displayed in table format.
- You can sort the list in alphabetical order by clicking on the column labels.
- You can also update, retire, and delete a custom field, as shown below.

Adding a custom field
Click on the green plus icon at the top right corner and enter the following details.

Field name: Enter the name of the field. Program registrants will see this and enter their data. This field is mandatory.
Instructions: Enter any details that will help the program registrants to enter into this field during the program registration.
Field type: The type of the custom field. It can be either a single-line text or paragraph text or drop-down text.
Single-line text: The registrants may provide short information that cannot exceed 150 characters.
Paragraph text: The registrants may provide descriptive information with a maximum limit of 512 characters.
Drop-down text: The registrants can choose the information from the drop-down list. Selecting this option enables the possible values field below.
Possible values: This option is only available if you select the drop-down text as the field type. Enter the information you want the registrants to choose from the drop-down list. For example, Yes, No, Maybe. They need to be separated by commas. The values will then be provided as options in a dropdown list to the program registrants.
Priority: The priority tells the importance of the custom field. When presented to the user, the higher priority custom field appears at the top of the list. The default priority is 5.
After entering these details, click on the Add button. The custom fields will be added to your organization.
After adding the custom fields, you can start attaching one or more custom fields to the programs.
Updating a custom field
To update a custom field, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Update custom field.
Update the custom field details as needed, and after making the necessary changes, click on Update. The changes will be immediately reflected in the relevant areas.
Retiring a custom field
If you’re no longer using a custom field, you can retire it and can reactivate it when needed. Retiring any of the custom fields will not delete the data and will not affect the programs that are linked with the custom fields.
To retire a custom field, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Retire custom field. The retired custom fields are shown on the right side.
Note: You can reactivate custom fields by clicking on the Retired custom fields tab and click on the Activate custom field under actions. You can also update or delete the retired custom fields.

Deleting a custom field
To delete a custom field, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Delete custom field.
Note: You cannot delete a custom field that is linked to any program. It has to be removed from the programs before deleting it.