
Author: SportsPlus 956 views

It is the area where you can create discounts and attach them to the item lists. The customers, while placing their orders can apply these discounts to avail concessions for the amount payable.

Note: You can attach the discounts to the items list of the type online store and sponsorship only.

Listing, Searching, and Sorting of the discounts

The page will display,

  • The list of discounts in a tabular format.
  • You can search for discounts based on the item properties like discount, name, code, value.
  • You can sort the list either in ascending or descending or alphabetical order by clicking on the column labels like ID, discount name, code.

Adding a discount

To add a new discount, click on the green plus icon and enter the following details.
The Add Discount page is displayed as shown below.

  • Discount Name: Enter a name for the discount.
  • Discount Type: Select the type of the discount. You can choose between,
    • Amount
    • Percentage discount
  • Discount Code: Enter a unique text to represent the discount—for example, FIRSTORDER, FLAT15.
  • Discount Value:
    • Based on the selected discount type,enter the discount value.
    • If the discount type is an amount, then enter an absolute amount.
    • If the discount type is a percentage, then enter a number between 0 to 100.
  • Note: Do not enter $ or %.
  • Expiration Date: Specify a date after which the discount can no longer be used.
  • Redemption Limit: Enter a value which specifies the number of times the customer can redeem the discount. When this limit is reached, then the discount code will automatically expire.
  • Discount applies to: Specify the item lists to which the discount can be applied. You can choose between,
    • All item lists: The discount will be applicable to all the item lists with the type online store and sponsorship.
    • Selected item lists: Select the item lists to which this discount will be applied.
    • Public: Choose to display or not display the discount information on your league website where the items are presented.
    • Summary: Enter a brief description of the discount code.
  • Once you are done entering the discount details,click on Save. The discount will be created and is immediately reflected on the respective pages.

Viewing a discount 

To view the discount details, click on the discount ID or name. The discount details page will be displayed, as shown below.

  • On the top, all the discount related details will be displayed.
  • Following the discount details, you can find the options to updatedeactivate, and delete the discount.The print option allows you to take a print of discount details.
  • Below the discount details block, you can see the discount usage report and the list of item lists that are associated with the discount.
  • To detach the discount from an item list, click on the red cross icon under the actions column.

Discount Properties 

For each discount, the following properties will be displayed.

  • ID: A unique identification number to identify the
  • Discount Name: The name of the discount.
  • Code: The unique text, which is used to avail the concession.
  • Value: The amount or percentage of the discount value that can be availed.
  • Applies to: The item lists that are associated with the discount.
  • Limit: The total number of times the discount can be redeemed.
  • #Used: The total number of times the discount has been redeemed.
  • Expires on: The date on which the discount expires.
  • Actions: The options to UpdateDeactivate & Delete the discount.

Updating a discount

To update a discount,

  • From the list page– hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item, and click on the Deactivate Discount link.
  • From the discount details page– click on the Deactivate button.
  • After making the necessary changes, click on Update to save the changes.
  • The changes will be immediately reflected on the respective pages.

Deactivating a discount

If you no longer want a discount to be displayed to the users, then you can deactivate it. To deactivate a discount,

  • Click on deactivate discount under the actions column of the desired discount.
  • The discount will be available in the Inactive Discounts page.
  • To view the deactivated discounts, hover the cursor on the grid icon located at the top-right of the discounts page and click on View Inactive Discounts.
  • The list of deactivated discounts will be displayed as shown below.
  • To activate a discount,hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the actions column and click on the Activate Discount link.

Deleting a discount 

To delete a discount,

  • From the list page– hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item and click Delete Discount link.
  • From the discount details page-Click on the Delete button.

Note: A discount cannot be deleted if it has been redeemed by any customer