Staff Members

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Manage all organization staff members including organization level staff, team staff, board members, organization coaches, volunteers, and referees. Grant organization level staff either full access or restricted access. Control their roles and areas that they can access.

As you see in the screenshot,

  • The list of staff members is displayed in a table format.
  • You can search and sort the list of staff members in the desired order.

Here are more details of each property of a staff member

  • ID: An unique identification number to identify the staff member.
  • Name: The name of the staff member. Click on the name of the staff member to view the staff member’s activity details.
  • Roles: The role of the staff member in the organization. The role gives access to perform certain operations like updating or deleting a staff member.
  • Position: The position of the staff member in the organization.
  • Email Address: 
  1. The email address of the staff members.
  2. If the email address has been verified, it displays a green tick mark on the email address’s right side.
  3. If the email address is not verified, it displays an exclamation mark on the email address’s right side.
  • Phone Number: The phone number of the staff member.
  • Actions: Hover the cursor on three dots icon, which displays the following options,
    • Update Staff Member: This allows you to update the details of the staff member.

Note: If a member is initially added as an athlete in the organization and later added to one or more teams as a team staff, then instead of the Update Staff Member option, you will see the option Update Team Roles.

  • Send Message: Allows you to send messages to the selected staff member.
  • Order Items: This option allows you to place orders for the selected staff member.
  • Add Private Notes:
    • To add a private note for a specific staff member, click on Add Private Notes by hovering the cursor over the three dots under the Actions column for that particular staff member.
    • After entering the note, click on Save to save the notes.
    • Select the checkbox that reads Do not allow other staff members to view these notes if you do not want other staff members to access these notes.
    • The staff members can access private notes in their account. It will also be available on the member overview page for other staff members if allowed.
  • View Membership Card: Displays the membership card of the staff member.
  • Add Family Member:
    • It allows you to add a family member to the staff member.
    • You can add a family member by either using the staff member’s email address or by entering a new email address.
    • If you are using the staff member’s email address, then a new account will be created with the same contact email address and a separate login name.
  • View Member Profile: Allows you to view the public profile of the staff member.
  • Delete Member: This allows you to delete the staff member from your organization.

Adding a New Staff Member: 

To add a new staff member, click on the green plus icon, present on the Staff Members’ top right corner, and enter the following details.

  • Enter the email address: 
    • Enter the email address of the staff member who is being added to your organization.
    • If the staff member is already an existing member in Sportsplus, then the existing member’s details will be prefilled and cannot be edited.
      Note: You can edit the details of the existing member while Updating the staff member.
  • Staff Member Details

To change-

Email Address: If there is any need for changing the staff member’s email address, click on change email, and update the email address.
New Account Login Name: The email address specified for the staff member by default will be assigned as their login name. The staff member can change their account login name after logging into their account.

  • First Name: Enter the first name of the staff member.
  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the staff member.
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the staff member.
  • Priority: This tells the importance of a staff member. Higher priority members are listed ahead of the lower priority members when displayed in a list.
  • List in the public staff directory: Select this option to list the staff member on the public website pages where staff members are listed.
  • Description: Optionally, enter a description of the staff member.
  • Select a member type for the staff member from the following options,
    • Organization Staff
    • Board Member
    • Organization Coach 
    • Volunteer
    • Referee
    • Team Staff
  • Organization staff: Select the right role for the member of the organization. Based on the role given, the staff member can perform operations for assigned functional areas. 
    • Select Organization Role: 
      • Select a role for the staff member from the drop-down menu. 
      • The roles, operations, and functional areas for every module that a staff member can perform based on the role given are displayed at the bottom of the page.
      • Choose the role of the staff member depending on the operations assigned for that role.
      • The role Staff is a very basic role which allows mostly basic operations of accessing the data.

Note: Board Member and Organization Coach will always get the Staff role by default.

    • Functional Area: 
      • Select Access Profile for the staff member to access from the drop-down menu.
      • If you choose All the staff member has access to all the areas in the organization 
      • If you click on Choose Functional Areas, a dialogue box appears to select the areas you want the staff member to access. You can also add options by clicking on the plus icon present next to more options to specify the functional area’s name and a brief description of the functional area. Click on done once the option is selected/added.

Note: Based on the selection, a new access profile will be added.

    • Position: Enter a suitable name for the staff member’s position, which specifies the day-to-day activities they perform.
    • Access Level: 
      • You can choose the access level for a staff member by selecting Full or Restricted.
      • If the access is Restricted, the staff member will only be allowed to access and manage the specified leagues or tournaments or seasons or divisions or age groups.
      • Note: 
        • A restricted staff member can be given access to specific areas, for example access to one or more tournaments or divisions by navigating to   Super Admin > Organization Settings > Granular Controls.
        • This option is currently available only for the schedule area.
        • Using granular controls, the organization’s admin can limit a staff member’s access to specific organization areas, for example as specific as to just only one league .
    • Team Staff: Select this option to add the staff member as a team staff. To add a staff member as a team staff, enter the following details.
      • Team: Select the team you want to add the staff member to from the drop-down menu.
      • Team Role: Specify a role for the staff member from the options provided in the drop-down menu.
      • First/Last Name: The first/last name of the staff member will be prefilled, as mentioned in the staff member details section. If needed you can use a different name for the staff member while adding them to a team.
      • You can add to multiple teams by clicking on the green plus icon.
      • Click on Add to add the staff member to the organization.
    • Note: Staff members can add, update, or delete other staff members of the same or lower roles.. For example, a senior clerk can add, update, and delete a junior clerk, but a junior clerk cannot add, update, or delete a senior clerk.


  • Search: You can search for any staff member by entering the keywords like ID, roles, etc., in the search box. 
  • Export: 
    • Click on the Export icon to export the staff members’ information in a .csv file format.
  • You can perform the following operations by accessing them on mouse over the grid icon or the tool box at the bottom of the page.,
  1. Assign players, parents, and staff to teams
  2. Manage team staff of all teams.
  3. View Member roles and operations documentation.
  4. Visit the organization staff page on the website.
  5. Visit the organization board members page on the website.

Updating a staff member

  • To update a staff member, click on the Update Staff Member option present under the Actions column.
  • You can update all the details of the staff member.
  • You can update the staff member’s address by clicking on the plus icon of the Address.
  • Click on Update to save the changes.

Deleting a staff member 

  • To delete a staff member, hover the cursor to the three dots icon present under the Actions column and click on Delete Staff Member.
  • If a staff member is assigned multiple roles, you can delete only a specific role of the member or delete the entire member account.
  • If the staff member is a team staff, they will also get deleted from all the organization teams on deleting the team staff role.
  • If all the staff members’ roles are selected to be deleted, then the entire member account will be deleted.

Note: If there is only one admin present in the organization, then this admin can’t be deleted. An organization requires at least one admin. .