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“Learn How to Manage the Communication Settings of Your Organization”
The ‘Communication Settings’ page helps you to manage the communication status & sender details of the organization outgoing messages, along with the customization of message header & footer.

  How ‘Communication Settings’ Page Looks Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Communication Settings’ page.

  Page Operations
The ‘communication settings’ page allows you to manage the following details.

  1. Outgoing Message Status: It allows you to either enable or disable all outgoing communication from your organization.
    1. In Block mode, all the outgoing messages will be blocked. No messages will be sent out.
    2. In Live Mode, all the outgoing messages will be delivered normally.
  2. Click on Edit to update the message sender details and header & footer of email message.
    1. From Email Address:
      1. Set the from email address for the outgoing messages that were sent from the message center. Emails will go out as if they were sent from this email address. When the recipients replies, the messages will comes to this email inbox.
    2. From Sender Name:
      1. Set the sender name for the outgoing messages that were sent from the message center. The recipients will see this name in the message from name.
      2. For example, if you have provided the sender name as ‘Robert Man’, then all your recipients will receive messages with this name.
    3. Message Header:
      1. Set the message header with text, images and custom design. All outgoing messages will be sent out with this header.
      2. You can provide your organization name and logo in the header.
    4. Message Footer:
      1. Set the message footer with text, images and custom design. All outgoing messages will be sent out with this footer.
      2. You may provide information such as your organization name, contact details, and privacy info.
  3. Click Update to save the settings.
  4. Click Preview to have a quick view of the applied message settings.

  How to Reach the ‘Communication Settings’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Communication Settings’ page.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on Super Admin from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Main Settings and then click on Communication tab.