
Author: SportsPlus 1357 views

Add Player
You can add a new player by clicking “Add Player” Button. Complete the following fields and then click on “Add” button in order to add a player to the roster.

  • Email Address: This is a mandatory field. Enter the email address for the player and note that this field checks for existing emails. 
  • First Name: Enter the first name of the player. This is a mandatory field
  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the player. This is a mandatory field.
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the player.
  • Position: Enter the position of the playerRoster-Add-New-Player
  • Jersey Number: Enter the jersey number of the player.
  • Remarks: This field can be used to add any feedback or discussion point.
  • Contact 2: Parent/ guardian’s Name can be added here
  • Contact 2 Email: Parent/ guardian’s email address can be added here
  • Contact 2 Phone Number: Parent/ guardian’s phone number can be added here.
  • Contact 3 Name: Additional  emergency contact Name can be added here
  • Contact 3 Email Address Address: Additional  emergency contact email can be added here
  • Contact 3 Phone Number: Additional  emergency contact phone number can be added here

Add Staff
You can add a new staff member by clicking “Add Staff” Button. Complete the following fields and then click on “Add” button in order to add a staff member to the roster.

  • Role: Enter the role of the staff member(Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, Officer, Team Staff)
  • Email Address: Enter the email address of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • First Name: Enter the first name of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the staff member.
Roster-Add Staff
  • Remarks: This field can be used to add any feedback or discussion point.
  • Contact 2: Parent/ guardian’s Name can be added here.
  • Contact 2 Email: Parent/ guardian’s email address can be added here.
  • Contact 2 Phone Number: Parent/ guardian’s phone number can be added here.
  • Contact 3 Name: Additional  emergency contact Name can be added here
  • Contact 3 Email Address Address: Additional emergency contact email can be added here.
  • Contact 3 Phone Number: Additional emergency contact phone number can be added here.

Add Team Parent
You can add a new parent by clicking “Add Team Parent” Button. Complete the following fields and then click on “Add” button in order to add a new parent to the roster.

  • Email Address: Enter the email address of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • First Name: Enter the first name of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the staff member. This is a mandatory field.
  • Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the staff member.
  • Remarks: This field can be used to add any feedback or discussion point.

Team Roster Page
After adding the players, a list of players with details will be displayed in a report/table. You can update or maintain each player by clicking desired options from the four options(edit, message, resend welcome message and delete).
