
Author: SportsPlus 3650 views

Manage all your organization facilities. A facility can be a Soccer field or Basketball court, or an Ice Rink. Open or close facilities for play. Publish all facility details on the website. Make them available for scheduling and reservations.
This is the field’s main view, where the list of all the fields are presented along with options to perform all relevant operations.

As you see in the screenshot,

  • The list of fields is displayed in a table format.
  • You can sort the list in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column labels.
  • The total number of active/inactive fields are displayed on the top-left/right corner of the page.

Field Properties

For every field, the following properties will be displayed.

  • ID: An unique identification number to identify the field. Click on the ID of the field to view the field details.
  • Field Image: Displays the image of the field if provided or else displays a default image.
  • Field Name: The name of the field will be displayed. Click on the name of the field to view the field details.
  • Location: The address of the field.
  • Is Public?: Displays if the field is public or not.
  • Priority: The priority tells the importance of a field. When presented to the user, the higher priority field is displayed ahead of, the lower priority field.
  • Status: 
    • Displays the status of the field.
    • If the status is displayed as Open, then the field is available for reservations and schedules. If the status is displayed as Closed, the field will not be available for reservations and schedules.
  • Map: Click on the location icon to view the field on a map like a Google map.
  • Actions: Hover the cursor on the three dots icon, which displays the following options.
    • Reserve Field: Click on this option to reserve the field.

Note: This option is only available if field reservations are allowed.

  • Update Field: Click on this option to update the field details.
  • Copy Field: Click on this option to copy the field details and create a similar new field.
  • Inactive Field: Click on this option to inactivate the field.
  • Delete Field: Click on this option to delete the field.

Adding a field

To add a field, click on the green plus icon located on the right side of the page, and enter the following details.

  • Field Name: Specify a name for the field.
  • Field Short Name:
    • Specify a short name for the field.
    • For example, if Ball Shooters is given as the field name, then the field’s short name can be given as BASH. It helps identify the field displayed in relevant places like tournament brackets where there won’t be enough space to display the complete field name.
  • Sport: Select the primary sport played on the field from the drop-down menu.
  • Field suitable for: Select for what all purposes this field is ideal for from the drop-down menu. The following options will appear in the dropdown menu,
    • Game Only
    • Practice Only
    • Event Only
    • Game or practice
    • Game or practice or event
  • Priority: The priority tells the importance of a field. The higher priority field is displayed ahead of, the lower priority field when presented to the user.
  • Field Address:
    • Address Line 1/Line 2: Enter the street address of the field.
      Country: Choose the country of the field from the drop-down menu.
    • State: Choose the state of the field from the drop-down menu.
    • City: Choose the city of the field from the drop-down menu.
    • Postal Code: Enter the postal or zip code of the location.
    • Map Link: Provide the web link to the geographical location of this field. It can be a Google map link or a MapQuest map link, or any other web-based map link.
  • About Field: You can add more details about the field like parking details, driving directions, public transportation.
  • Allow Public View: Specifies whether the field’s details can be accessible to the general public on the organization’s website or not. Select Yes to publish this field and make it accessible on the public website.
  • Operational Hours
    • Operates on: Specify the days and timings on which the field operates. 
  • If All weekdays are selected, then the timings remain the same for every day. If Selected days in a week is selected, then the timings for days can be customized as shown below.

Note: Different time frames can be assigned for each day selected depending on the field’s availability.

  • Allow Reservations:

Specify if this field allows reserving either by the staff members or even by the public. On selecting Yes, more reservation settings will be available, as shown below.

  • Reservation Settings: 
  • Only Organization staff can reserve:
    • On selecting Yes, only the organization staff is allowed to reserve the field.
    • On selecting No, all organization members are allowed to reserve the court.

Note: Non-members (public users) can also reserve if the public view (listed on the website) is permitted.

  • Allow concurrent reservations:
    • Specify to allow or disallow multiple reservations at the same time.
    • Allowing may be the case where the court can host multiple events at the same time.
    • For example, if you want to schedule two matches on the same day in the same time frame, allowing concurrent reservations will permit you to reserve the field for both the matches in the same time frame.
  • Auto approves reservation:
    • On selecting Yes, all the reservation requests for this court will be approved automatically on completing a reservation.
    • Otherwise, they have to be approved manually by the organization staff.
  • Minimum reservation time in minutes:
    • Specify the minimum amount of time a reservation can be made in minutes.
    • For example, it can be 60 minutes, where nothing below 60 minutes can be reserved.
  • Maximum reservation time in hours:
    • Specify the maximum amount of time a reservation can be made in hours.
    • For example, it can be 4 hours, where no reservations can be made for more than 4 hours.
  • Reservation price per hour: If the members have to pay hourly, specify the amount for one hour.
  • Reservation price per day: If the members have to pay on a daily basis, then specify the amount for a day.
  • If paying online, add an additional online payment processing charge as a convenience fee: On selecting Yes, the online payment processing fee ( Example: Credit/debit card processing fee) will be passed on to the consumer. It will be added to the due amount, and the consumer will pay this fee.

Note: Uploading image of the field is only available on the field details page.

Field Details Page 

Click on the name of the field in the fields list page to view all the details of a field, as shown below.

To upload an image,

To set an image for a field, click on the Upload Image button at the bottom of the page and then select an image from your local disk and then upload it.

Note: A default image for all the fields can be added from Super Admin-> General Settings. This image will be displayed as a default image for all the fields.

Tools: At the bottom of this page, various options related to this field are available. You can perform the following operations by accessing them in the toolbox at the bottom of the page.

  • Reserve Field: It allows you to reserve this field. It will redirect you to the My-> Access-> Reservations page.
  • Copy Field: Copy the field details and create a similar new field.
  • Inactive Field: It allows you to inactivate this field.
  • Delete Field: It allows you to delete this field.
  • Add Field: It allows you to add a new field.
  • View field Schedules: It allows you to view all schedules of this field and redirects you to the Schedule List area.
  • View Field Reservations: It allows you to view all reservations of this field. To know more, click here.
  • View field page on the website: View all fields on the organization’s public website to see how the public views these fields
Additional Operations on Fields List Page:
  • Overall Field Situation:

If you would like to change the status of all fields or to update the fields overall situation, click on the pencil icon on the top center, and update the following details.

  • Describe Overall Field Situation: Enter a text to describe the situation of the field. For example, if all the fields are open, you can enter the text All fields are open.
  • Overall status of the fields: You can manage the overall status of the fields. For example, if it is raining, then you can set the status as closed.
  • Update all fields with this status: Select this checkbox to update each field status with this status.
  • Display status description message: Select this checkbox to display the overall field status description message on appropriate pages, both in the application and the website.
  • Click on Update to update the overall situation of the field.
  • View Field Reservations: Click on this option to view all the field reservations.
  • Reserve a field: Click on this option to reserve a field.
  • Update field default display name:
    • Click on this option to update the field default display name. This applies to all organization facilities. For example, a Basketball organization will call it a court.
    • Based on your organization’s type, you can change the field display name from Super Admin-> Organization Settings-> General Settings page, which will reflect throughout your SportsPlus account and Organization website.
  • Upload field default image:
    • Click on this option to update the field default image.
    • Based on your organization’s type, you can change the field default image from the Super Admin-> Organization Settings-> General Settings page.
    • You can set each field with its own image.
    • If no image is uploaded for a field, then a system default image will be displayed.
  • Visit field status website widget: Click on this option to visit the field status website widget. It will redirect you to the All Widgets page.
  • Visit the website’s field page: Click on this option to visit the field page on the organization’s website.

Note: The tools Update field default display name and Upload field default image are only available for the super admin.

Inactivating a field and activating a field:

  • To inactivate a field, hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the Actions column of a field and click on Inactivate Field.
  • The inactivated field will be displayed in the list of inactive fields, the second tab.
  • To reactivate a field, hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the inactive field’s Actions column and click on Activate field.
  • Once the field is activated, it will be displayed in the list of active fields.

Updating a field

  • To update a field, hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the Actions column of a field and click on Update field.
  • Update the field details and click on Update to save the changes and return to the field details page. Click on Update & Return to save the changes and return to the fields page.

Deleting a field

To delete a field, hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the Actions column. Click on Delete field.

Note: If a field is used in the schedules of any game or event, or practice, then the field cannot be deleted.