Item Lists

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It is the area where you can create the lists of one or more items, which can be made available to the customers to place orders.

List of item lists 

The page will display,

  • The list of item lists in a tabular format.
  • You can search for the item lists based on the list properties like name, type, available to.
  • You may sort the item lists either in ascending or descending or alphabetical order by clicking on the column labels like ID, Item List Name, Type.

Item List Properties

For every item list, the following properties will be displayed.

  • ID: An unique identification number to identify the item list.
  • Item List Name: The name of the item list.
  • Type: The type of the item list, which can be either the registration offer or online store or sponsorship or donation.
  • Available To: The target audience to whom the item list can be made available to place orders. For example, you can make the item list available to athletes only or parents only.
  • Order By: The due date for placing the order.
  • #Items: The total number of items that are added to the item list.
  • Update Date: The date on which the item list is added or updated.
  • Actions: The options to UpdateRetire & Delete the item list.

Adding an item list 

To add a new item list, hover the cursor on the green plus icon and click on the Add Item List link. and enter the following details.

  • Name: Enter a name for the item list. This is mandatory.
  • Order by: Specify the date,  until which the items are available to purchase.
  • Priority: The priority tells the importance of an item list. When presented to the user, the higher priority list is displayed ahead of the lower priority list.
  • Description: Enter a brief description of the item list.
  • Type: Select the type of item list you want to create. The types available are,
    • Online Store: Select this option to make the list available for the organization/public users to place their orders.
    • Registration Offer: Select this option to make the list available for the program registrants only.
    • Sponsorship: Select this option to make the list available for the organization/public users to purchase the sponsor items.
    • Donation: Select this option to make the list available for the organization/public users to place their orders and contribute via donations to the organization.
    • Team Orders: Select this option to make the list available for the organization teams to place orders for all their team members.
  • Public: Choose whether or not to make the item list available for the public website visitors. If made public, depending on the type, this will be listed on the right page.
  • Available to: Choose the target audience to whom you want the item list to be available. You can select any one from the following options.
    • All: All the organization members can order the item list.
    • Staff Members: All the organization staff members are allowed to order the item list.
    • Athletes: All the organization athletes are only allowed to order the item list.
    • Volunteers: All the organization volunteers are only allowed to order the item list.
    • Referees: All the organization referees are only allowed to order the item list.
  • Orders must be paid within: Select payment due date for the orders. Choose a specific date or the number of days from the ordered date.


  • Click on the Must pay online on placing the order checkbox to force the customers to pay online while placing the order.
  • Click on the If paying online, add additional online payment processing charge as a convenience fee checkbox to collect additional credit or debit card processing charge from the customers as a separate fee.
  • Available items: The list of all the active items that can be added to the item list. Click on the item name to add to this item list.

Note: Click on the new item link to add a new item to the available items list.

  • Selected items: Displays the items that have been added to the item list.
  • Order data field name: Optionally, specify the name of the data that you want to collect from the customer—for example, size.
  • Order data field possible values: If the answer is a well-defined list from which you want your customers to choose, then enter the possible list of values—for example, XS, S, M, L, XL. Otherwise, leave this empty and let the customer enter as a free form text.
  • Once you are done entering the item list details, click on the Save button. The item list will be created and is immediately displayed on the respective pages.

Viewing an item list 

The item list details page will be displayed, as shown below.

  • Click on the item list name to open the item list details page.
  • The item list details are displayed at the top and the items that are added to the item list are displayed at the bottom.
  • To remove any item from the item list, click on the red cross icon located under the actions column.
  • Following the item list details, you can find the options to updateretire, and delete the item list.

Updating an item list

To update an item list,

  • From the list page– hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item list, and click on the Update Item List link.
  • From the item list details page– Click on the Update button.
  • Click on Update to save the details and remain on the same page.
  • Click on Update & Return to save the details and return back to the item list page.

Retire an item list 

You can retire an item list in order to make it unavailable for the customers to place orders. It can be activated again to make it available for ordering.
To retire an item list,

  • From the list page– hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item list, and click on the Retire Item List link.
  • From the item list details page– Click on the Retire button.
  • To view the retired item lists, hover the cursor on the grid icon located at the top-right corner and click on the Access retired items and item lists link.
  •  The retired item lists page is displayed as shown below.
  • To activate an item list, click on the Activate Item List under the actions column.
  • The item list will immediately be available on the respective pages to place orders.

Deleting an item list 

To delete an item list,

  • From the list page– hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item list, and click on the Delete Item List link.
  • From the item list details page- Click on the Delete button.
  • You may not be able to delete the item list under the following conditions.
  • If the item list is linked to any of the organisation programs. In such a case, initially remove the item list from the program and then delete it.
  • If there are any placed orders associated with the item list, then it cannot be deleted. Instead of deleting, you can retire the item list.