“Learn How to Manage the Main Settings of Organization in the Super Admin Area”
The ‘Main Settings’ page allows you to manage organization’s main settings including the name, sport, timezone, calendar settings, and contact details.
How ‘Main Settings’ Page Looks Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Main Settings’ page.

Page Operations
The ‘main settings’ page is divided into the following three sections.
- First Section
- It allows you to update the time zone, availability of the column collapse buttons, field display name, and the first day of the week.
- Click on Edit and update the following details.
- Time Zone: Select your organization timezone from the dropdown.
- Allow to Close Right Column: availability of the collapse
button to hide the right-side advertisement panel in the ‘organization’ area.
- Allow to Close Left Column: availability of the collapse
button to hide the left-side navigation panel in the ‘organization’ area.
- Field Display Name: Depending on the sport this can be either Field, Court, Rink, Gym…
- First Day of the Week: Select the start day of the week, which will be applied to all calendars.
- Time Zone: Select your organization timezone from the dropdown.
- Click Update to save the changes to your settings.
- It allows you to update the time zone, availability of the column collapse buttons, field display name, and the first day of the week.
- Second Section
- It allows you to update the organization related information.
- Click on Edit and update the following details.
- Organization Name: Enter your organization name.
- Organization Type: Select the organization type.
- Primary Sport: Select the main sport of your organization.
- Phone Number: Enter the contact number of your organization.
- Email Address: Enter the email address of your organization.
- Website URL: Enter the link to your organization website.
- Address: Enter the complete postal address of your organization.
- Click Update to save the entered information.
Note:- The contact information provided here is internal to your organization and will not be reflected on your website.
- To update the organization contact information on the public website, please visit Website Admin >> Website Settings >> Contact page.
- It allows you to update the organization related information.
- Roles and Operations Documentation: View the detailed list of allowed operations based on the member roles.
How to Reach the ‘Main Settings’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Main Settings’ page.
- After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
- Click on SUPER ADMIN from the left navigation menu.
- Click on Main Settings.