It is the area where you can add your organization related sports merchandise like jerseys, shoes. The organization members and public website visitors can purchase these items, via program registrations, online store, sponsorships, and donations.
Listing, searching and sorting the items
The page will display,
- The list of items in a tabular format.
- You can search for the items based on the item properties like id, item, name, price, promo text, allow ordering, min. Quantity, max. Quantity, and update date.
- You may sort the list either in ascending or descending or alphabetical order by clicking on the column labels like id, item, name, price, promo text, allow ordering, min. quantity, max. quantity, and update date.

Item Properties
For each item, the following properties will be displayed.
- ID: An unique identification number to identify the item.
- Item: The image of the item added. If there is no image for the item, then a default image will be displayed.
- Name: The name of the item. By clicking on the name or image of the item will open the item details page.
- Price: The price of the item.
- Promo Text: The promotional text of the item.
- Allow Ordering: The ordering or availability status of the item.
- Min. Quantity: The minimum ordering quantity allowed for the item.
- Max. Quantity: The maximum ordering quantity allowed for the item.
- Update Date: The date on which the item is added or updated.
- Actions: The options to Edit & Delete the item.
Adding an item
To add a new item, hover the cursor on the green plus icon and click on the Add Item link and enter the following details.

- Item Name: Provide a name for the item.
- Priority: The priority tells the importance of an item. When presented to the user, higher priority items appear ahead of the lower priority items.
- Price: Enter the cost of the items.
- Promo text: Enter your text, which can be used to promote or highlight the item.
- Description: You can provide a brief description of the item.
- Order Options: Specify the details that you need to collect from the customers while placing the order—for example, the size of a jersey.
- Order Data Field Name: The name of the data that you want to collect from the customer. Example: Size
- Order Data Field Possible Values: If the answer is a well-defined list from which you want your customers to choose, then enter the possible list of values. Example: Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large. Otherwise, leave this empty and let the customer enter as a free form text.
- Minimum Required Quantity: Specify the minimum number of items that can be purchased by the user. For example, 1.
- Maximum Quantity Allowed: Specify the maximum number of items that can be allowed to be purchased by the user. For example, 10.
- Text for order page: You can enter additional information that you want the customers to see on the order page before placing an order.
Note: All the options available in the order options section are optional.
- Once you are done entering the item details, click on the Add button. The item will be added to your organization and the item details page will be displayed as shown below.

- Following the item details, you can find the options to update, retire, and delete the item.
Adding an image
- After adding the item, you can upload the image for the item by clicking on the Upload Image button available at the bottom of the item details page.
- Browse and select the image from the local file system. After selecting the image, apply the various formatting options as needed.
- To format the image, you will need to click on Enable to activate the editing options.

Updating an item
To update an item,
- From the list page- hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item, and click on the Update Item link.
- From the item details page- click on the Update button.
- On the update page, in addition to the item details, you can also update the following.
- Allow Ordering: Choose whether you want to make the item purchasable or not for the customers.
- Retire: You can retire an item to make it unavailable for the customers to place orders. It can be activated again to make it available for ordering.
- Click on Update to save the details and remain on the same page.
- Click on Update & Return to save the details and return to the items page.
- If there are any placed orders associated with the item, then it cannot be deleted. Instead of deleting, you can retire the item.
- To view the list of retired items, hover the cursor on the grid icon located at the top-right corner and click on the Access retired items and item lists link.
- To activate a retired item, hover the cursor on the three dots icon under the actions columns and click on the Activate item link.
Deleting an item
To delete an item,
- From the list page- hover the cursor on the three dots icon located under the actions column of the desired item, and click on the Delete Item link.
- From the item details page- click on the Delete button.
- You may not be able to delete an item under the following conditions.
- If the item is linked to any of the item lists. First, remove the item from the item lists and then delete it.
- If a customer orders the item.