Calendar view

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“Learn How to Manage Your Organization Schedule Calendar”

The ‘Schedule Calendar View’ is the area that makes it easy for you to keep a track of all the past & upcoming organization schedules. The page allows you to easily schedule & manage games, practices & events of your organization.

How does the ‘Calendar View’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Calendar View’ page.

Page Options
Following are the options available on the page.

  • Month is the default view of the organization calendar. You may change the view between the week, day & month by clicking on the Month/Week/Day buttons located at the top-right corner (as shown below).

  • Use the arrows  and  to move between the past & future calendar dates as shown below.

  • Click on the  icon located at the top of the page to expand the following filter options.
    • Team: Select the team from the dropdown to view the schedules related to that specific team.
    • Field/Location: Select the field/location from the drop-down to view the schedules related to that specific field/location.
    • Event Type: Select the type of schedule i.e. either game or practice or event to view the schedules related to it.
    • Click on Reset to clear all the applied filter options.
  • Mouse hover on any scheduled game/practice/event to view the associated details as shown below.

  • You may click on any upcoming game/practice/event
    • To update the schedule details or
    • To delete it
  • Click on the Subscribe/Download link located at the top-left corner to view the detailed instructions on how to sync with your other external calendars like Google, Apple, Outlook…

  • If you wish to view the calendar of any organization team, then select the team from the drop-down located at the top of the page as shown below.

  • Click on the  icon to print the schedule details.


  • You are not allowed to add schedules for the past dates.
  • You may change the first day of the week from Super Admin >> Main Settings page.
  • The following three colors are used to differentiate between a game, practice & event.
    • Blue: Indicates game
    • Green: Indicates practice
    • Black: Indicates event

Scheduling a Game or Practice or Event
To schedule a game/practice/event, click on the present or a future date. A popup will be displayed on the screen, where you are required to provide the game or practice or event details.

  • For information on how to add a game, click here.
  • For information on how to add a practice, click here.
  • For information on how to add an event, click here.

How to Reach the ‘Calendar View’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Calendar View’ page.

  1. After logging in to the SportsPlus application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on Schedule from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Calendar View.