Add practice

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“Learn How to Schedule Practice for Your Organization Teams”

The ‘Add Practice’ is the area that allows you to easily schedule practice sessions for your organization teams. You may either create the practice for one single day or may schedule it as a recurring team activity.

How does the ‘Add Practice’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Add Practice’ page.

Adding a Practice
To schedule a practice, provide the following details.

  1. Team:
    1. Specify the organization team(s) that you want to create the practice.
    2. You may enter up to a maximum of 5 teams.
  2. Season/League/Tournament:
    1. Specify the season/league/tournament applicable to the practice.
    2. To add a new season/league/tournament, click on the  icon & enter the details.
  3. Start Date: Select the date or start date for the practice.
  4. Repeat Every: Select the days to make the practice a recurring activity.
  5. End Date: Specify the end date for the recurring practice activity.
  6. Start Time & End Time:
    1. Specify the start & end time for the practice.
    2. Click on the change link located beside the ‘end time’ to update the timezone of your organization.
  7. Location:
    1. Specify the field/location details of the practice.
    2. Click on the Add link to add a new location to the organization.
  8. Reminders:
    1. You may specify two reminders for the practice.
    2. The team members will then automatically receive a notification about the practice at the specified time.
  9. Notes: You may provide any additional information about the practice, such as the weather conditions, key practice areas, etc.
  10. Volunteers Required: Select this option if there is a need for volunteers for your practice sessions.
  11. Track Availability:
    1. Select this option to track the player availability for the practice.
    2. To view/update the player availability status, navigate to the availability page under the team area.
  12. Click on Save to add the practice to the organization calendar.

How to Reach the ‘Add Practice’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Add Practice’ page.

  1. After logging in to the SportsPlus application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on Schedule from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Add Practice (OR) Click on Calendar View and then click on the present date or any date from the future. Select Practice on the popup window.