
Author: SportsPlus 1475 views

Manage all your organization documents like program guidelines, registration procedures, fee information, waivers & discounts, eligibility, etc. Add or upload documents that can then be used in the programs to make them available to the program registrants. Documents that are marked as public will be available to everyone on the public website.

When there are no documents, you will see the following view.

To add a new document, click on Add Document.

Once documents are added, then you will see the following view.

  • The list of documents is displayed in table format.
  • You can sort the list in alphabetical order by clicking on the column labels.
  • Here, the Document link displays the URL of the uploaded file. Clicking on the link will open the uploaded document for you to view.
  • #Programs displays the number of programs to which this document is associated with.
  • You can also update, retire, and delete a document as shown below.

Adding a document

Click on the green plus icon at the top right corner and enter the following details.

Document name: Enter the name of the document. It is mandatory.

Upload file: Browse and select the document file to be uploaded. The recommended file formats are .doc, .txt, .pdf, .xlsx.

Priority: The priority tells the importance of the document. When presented to the user, the higher priority documents appear at the top of the list. The default priority is 5.

Public document: Public documents can be accessed by everyone with or without an account, on the organization’s website. Private documents can only be accessed after logging into the account.

Summary: A brief description of the document. The summary is displayed along with this document link when presented to the user.

After entering these details, click on the Add button. The documents will be added to your organization.
After adding the documents, you can start attaching one or more documents to the programs.

Updating a document

To update a document, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Update document.

Update the document details as needed and click on Update. The changes will be immediately reflected in the relevant areas.

Retiring a document

If you’re no longer using a document, you can retire it and reactivate it when needed. Retiring any of the documents will not delete the document and will not affect the programs that are linked with the documents.
To retire a document, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Retire document. The retired documents are shown on the right side of the list.


  • You cannot retire a document that is linked to any program. It has to be removed from the programs before retiring it.
  • You can reactivate documents by clicking on the Retired documents tab and click on the Activate document under Actions. You can also update or delete the retired documents.

Deleting a document

To delete a document, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Delete document. You cannot delete a document that is linked to any program. It has to be removed from the programs before deleting it.