Payment Transactions

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“Learn How to View Card Payment Transactions”

The ‘payment transactions’ page will display the details of the last 100 credit/debit card transactions that are carried out through your organization payment gateway. The search option on the page further allows you to do a quick search for the desired payment transactions.

  How ‘Payment Transactions’ Page Looks Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Payment Transactions’ page.

  List of Payment Transactions
The page will display,

  • The last 100 card payment transactions listed in a table format.
  • The most recent card payment transaction by default at the top of the list.

  Sort the List as Required
You may sort the list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as Member NameProgram NameTransaction DateAmountTransaction ID, and Authorization Code.
For example, click on the program name label to sort the list by program name in an alphabetical order.

  Payment Properties
For each payment record, the following properties will be displayed.

  1. Member Name: The name of the person the payment belongs to.
  2. Program Name: The name of the organization program.
  3. Transaction Date: The date of the transaction.
  4. Amount: The total amount paid.
  5. Transaction ID: A unique transaction code that will be generated for every card payment transaction by the payment gateway.
  6. Authorization Code: Authorization code of a card payment transaction

  Page Options
You may perform the following operations on the ‘Payment Transactions’ page.

  1. Search: You may search for any particular card payment transaction by entering transaction related keywords in the search box.

  How to Reach the ‘Payment Transactions’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Payment Transactions’ page.

  1. After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re on the Organization area.
  2. Click on Payments from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on Payment Transactions.