Payment Reports

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“Learn How to Generate Payment Reports”

The ‘Payment Reports’ page allows you to view and export all your organization payment details. The filter options enable you to generate advanced reports, which you may also export it in a ‘.csv’ file format.

   How ‘Payment Reports’ Page Looks Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Payment Reports’ page.

  List of Payment Reports
The page will display,

  1. The summary of the total amount receivablethe actual amount paid, and the difference amount.
    1. Total amount receivable is the sum of all fee including program fee, any registration/admin fee, member orders…
    2. The actual amount paid is the sum of all amount paid.
    3. Difference amount = total amount receivable – actual amount paid
  2. By default, the payment records for the last 180 days are listed in a table format.
  3. The list by default is sorted based on the paid date in descending order.
  4. The total number of payment records is displayed at the top-left corner.

  Sort the List as Required
You may sort the list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as NameProgramDue AmountDue DateLate FeePayment StatusPaid DatePaid Amount, and Paid Mode.
For example, click on the program label to sort the list by program name in an alphabetical order. However, clicking on the program name will open the Program View page.

  Payment Properties

  1. Name: The name of the registered member.
  2. Program: The name of the organization program.
  3. Installment: The installment period/month of the program.(Note: For program registration fee, the installment will be displayed as registration fee only.)
  4. Due Amount: The payment due amount for the installment period.
  5. Due Date: The payment due date for the installment period.
  6. Late Fee: Informs whether a late fee is applicable or not.
  7. Payment Status: The latest payment status which is one of Paid Fully, Waived Fully,  Waived Partially, or Not Paid, using the following colors.
    1. Green- Indicates that the program fee is paid fully under the due date.
    2. Orange- Indicates that the program fee is not paid fully and haven’t reached the due date.
    3. Red- Indicates that the program fee is not paid fully and also have passed the due date.
  8. Paid Date: The date on which the athlete has made the payment.
  9. Paid Amount: The actual amount paid.
  10. Payment Mode: How the payment is made, like paid with credit card or check…