“Learn How to View & Manage All Your Teams”
The ‘Teams’ page allows you to view all the teams that you are part of. The page also displays your specific role in each team along with the list of all your family member teams.

How does ‘Teams’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Teams’ page.

Teams List
The list of all your teams will be displayed at the top & your family member teams at the bottom of the page.

Team Properties
For each team, the following properties will be displayed.
- The name of the team (From the screenshot- Real Challengers).
- The division of the team (From the screenshot- Experts).
- The age group of the team (From the screenshot- AG1).
- Your role in the team (From the screenshot- Team Staff).
- The description about the team (From the screenshot- Dedicated sports …).
- Clicking on the name of any of your team will open the ‘team home’ page in the application.
- Clicking on the name of any of your family member team will open the ‘team home website’ page, only if the team is allowed to be viewed by the public.

How to Reach the ‘Teams’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Teams’ page.
- After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
- Click on My from the left navigation menu.
- Click on Teams.