Family Members
“Learn How to Manage Your Family Members”
The ‘Family Members’ is the area where you can connect & manage all your family members accounts. The page allows you to send an email invite to your family members for linking the accounts.

How does ‘Family Members’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘Family Members’ page.

List of Family Members
The page will display all the family members in a table format.

Family Member Properties
For every family member, the following properties will be displayed.
- Name: The name of the family member.
- Login & Account Primary Email: The email address for login & accessing the Thapos account.
- Message Sent to Email Address: The registered email address to which all the communication-related messages will be sent.
- Actions: Click on the
icon to remove the family member.

Adding a Family Member
To add a new family member-
- Enter the email address of your family member in the text box and click on the Add link.
- A confirmation mail will be sent to the email address with the instructions to accept and link to the member account who is sending the invite.
- You can add only those members who are already having a Thapos account with any organization.
- If you want to add a new family member, then first you should add the member as an athlete/staff member in the organization and later add as the family member. For detailed information on how to add athletes, click here & how to add staff members, click here.
- There is no specific limit to add the family members. However, you may add only 9 family members (child accounts) using the same email address (parent account).
- Organization staff can add family members to an existing account with the same email address or different email address.

How to Reach the ‘Family Members’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘Family Members’ page.
- After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
- Click on My from the left navigation menu.
- Click on Family Members.