Sponsors allow managing the organization’s partners, associations, and sponsors. Based on your preferences, the sponsors are presented to the registered users and/or public website visitors.

Adding a New Sponsor
To add a new sponsor, click on the green plus icon, and enter the following details.
- Title: Enter the name of the individual or organization that represents the sponsor.
- Type: Choose the relationship that applies to this individual or organization. It can either be a sponsor or association or partner.
- Sponsor appearance: Choose how the sponsor should be presented to the users, either in the form of an image or text.
- Text ad: By selecting this option, you can enter the text that represents this sponsor, which will be presented everywhere this sponsor is listed.
- Image ad: By selecting this option, you can upload the image that represents this sponsor, which will be presented everywhere this sponsor is listed.
- Web address (URL): Enter the complete address of the website or webpage that you want to link to this sponsor. Example: https://sportsplus.app
- Priority: It tells the importance of a sponsor. When presented to the user, higher priority sponsors are displayed ahead of the lower priority sponsors.
- Display in the organization website header?: If you want to showcase this sponsor on the organization website header, then select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
After entering the details, click on Add. Your sponsor will be added and can be accessed by the users.

Updating a sponsor
- If you want to update a sponsor, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Update Sponsor link.
- After making the necessary changes, click on Update. The newly constructed changes will be immediately reflected in all relevant areas, such as Sponsor widgets, the organization’s public website, etc.

Deleting a sponsor
To delete a sponsor, hover the cursor on the three vertical dots icon under the Actions column and click on the Delete Sponsor link.