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Learn How to Manage Leagues in Your Organization”

The ‘League’ page allows you to create & manage leagues in your organization. A league can be a single competition or a group of competitions for a selected number of teams.

Where Can I Use the Leagues?
You can select the leagues while scheduling the matches in your organization.

How does ‘League’ Page Look Like?
Following is the sample screenshot of the ‘League’ page.

List of Leagues
The page will display-

  • All the leagues listed in a table format.
  • The list is sorted based on the league name in an alphabetical order.
  • The total number of leagues is displayed at the top-left corner.

Sort the List as Required
You may sort the list either in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column labels, such as League Name, Sport, Summary, Start Date, and End Date.

For example, click on the start date label to sort the list based on the league start date.

League Properties
For every league, the following properties will be displayed.

  • League Name: The name of the league. Click on the name of any league to open the ‘league details’ page.
  • Sport: The sport related to the league.
  • Summary: A brief description about the league.
  • Start & End Dates: The start and end dates of the league.
  • Actions: Click on  icon to edit the league details.

Search Option
You may search for any particular league by entering the keywords in the search box located at the top of the page.

Adding a League
To add a new league, click on the Add League button located at the top-right corner and provide the following details.

  • League Name: Enter the name of the league.
  • Sport: Select the relevant sport from the drop-down.
  • Start Date: Specify the start date of the league.
  • End Date: Specify the end date of the league.
  • Summary: Provide an overview of the league.
  • Click on Save to save the details & remain on the same page.
  • Click on Save & Return to save the details & navigate to the ‘league details’ page as shown below.

  • Click on Edit to edit/update the league details.
  • Click on Add League to add a new league to your organization.
  • Click on All Leagues to return back to the ‘leagues’ page.
  • Click on View Upcoming Schedules to view the list of upcoming schedules of your organization.
  • Click on View Past Schedule to view the list of past schedules of your organization.
  • Click on View Standings to view the league standings.
  • Click on League Settings to view & update the league settings of your organization. For detailed information on league settings, click here.

Editing a League
To edit a league,

  • Click on the  icon located under the actions column of the desired league.
  • Update the existing information.
  • Click on Update to save the details and Update & Return to save and return back to the ‘league details’ page.

How to Reach the ‘League’ Page?
Following are the steps to get to the ‘League’ page.

  1. After logging in to the SportsPlus application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  2. Click on Schedule from the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on League.