Security Setings
Being a website admin, it is important to safeguard the athletes & staff members’ information and maintain strict user privacy. Accordingly, this area allows you to control what kind of information should be made available on your organization’s public website.

- Athlete Details – Team Roster
- Team roster – last name: Select to show or hide the athlete’s last name on the public website’s team roster page.
- Team roster – contact info: Select to show or hide the athlete’s email address and phone number on the public website’s team roster page.
- Staff Member
- Organization staff email address: Select to show or hide the league staff members’ email addresses on the public website’s staff members page.
- Organization staff phone number: Select to show or hide the league staff member’s phone numbers on the public website’s staff members page.
- Team staff contact details: Select to show or hide the email address and phone number of the team staff members on the public website’s team home and team roster pages.
- Other Security-Related Settings
- Protect email addresses: To make it difficult for bots to identify/copy the email addresses, select Yes to replace the @ text character with the @ image.
- Private teams on the website schedule filters: Private teams are not accessible on the public website. The public website schedule pages allow filtering schedules by selecting a team. Select to allow the private teams on the schedule pages to filter the schedules by selecting a private team in the relevant dropdown list.
After making the changes, click on Save. Your settings will be saved and are immediately reflected on the organization’s public website.