Release Notes – Oct 16th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW Implemented WePay payment gateway for Canada organization members. Organization staff members can assign teams to the athletes on athlete member activity page. Organization staff members can simply upload exported data of athletes, games, and fields. Organization members can see detailed schedule info by clicking

Release Notes – Oct 6th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Allowing the organization members to filter the schedules by game season in all the schedule list and calendar pages. Provided an option for the organization members to add a category to the content. Allowing the organization members to update the game name on

Release Notes – Sep 22nd, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Allowing organization WePay user’s to enroll auto payments for monthly installments programs. Allowing organization members to customize the number of records to be displayed on all registrations & update payments list pages. Allowing game officials to update the match scores. Allowing users to

Release Notes – Sep 8th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Enabled payment refunds for payments via WePay. Allowing organization staff members to delete multiple schedules in a single action. Allowing organization staff members to copy fields. Allowing organization staff members to customize the number of records to be displayed on the athlete’s list

Release Notes – Aug 27th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Allowing program registrants to adjust their payable installments while registering for a program on review and confirm page. Allowing organization staff members to send messages to selective organization staff. Organization member can see the total number of records for every list page. Organization

Release Notes – Jul 16th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Provided sub-domains for the organizations. Users are now allowed to make their payments through internet banking via ‘WePay ACH’ (Automated Clearing House). Allowing the organization staff members to create custom widgets and add them to the website. Introduced two more sponsor types ‘Partners’

Release Notes – Jul 2nd, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Introduced new features – online stores, donations & sponsorship for the organization order item lists. Added new website pages for online stores, donations & sponsorship. Added a new page to display the orders placed by the organization members. The organization members are now

Release Notes – June 4th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Introduced a new feature to create & update the leagues. Added a new website page for leagues. Provided an option to select multiple league standings on the organization website. Introduced a new option ‘Points against per game played’ to order the league standings.

Release Notes – May 19th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Allowing the organization staff members to create teams with program registrants as the team members. Introduced a new feature to generate organization team reports. Allowing the organization staff members to update team staff roles on the organization team update page. Provided a new

Release Notes – May 07th, 2018

WHAT’S NEW: Introduced a new payment processing gateway ‘WePay’ for online program registrations. Allowing the organization staff members to restrict the total number of program registrations. Introduced a new feature for multi-family player pricing in the program registrations. Allowing the organization staff members to add,