• The organization admin can 
    • Enable schedule notifications and RSVP options for the game officials from the Org Settings > Schedule page. The assigned game officials will be notified about the game schedules when enabled. In addition, they can update their availability from the email messages, My> Dashboard area, or Schedule Show pages.
    • Choose the number of facilities displayed on the facility reservation calendar from the Org Settings > General Settings page.
    • Choose the table columns displayed to the organization staff members on the Publish > Content list page. 
  • The organizations with the Peach payment gateway can 
    • Collect online payments for the tournament registrations, shop items, and facility reservations.
    • Issue refunds for the program registrations, placed orders, and facility reservations.
  • The organization staff can 
    • Specify multiple payment plans for the player registration programs from the Registration > Programs > Add Program > Fee, Discounts, Payment Plans page. In addition, the program registrants can choose any one payment plan on the Review & Confirm page during the registration process.
    • View the payment transaction details associated with the facility reservations on the Payments > Payment Transactions page.
  • A consolidated calendar showing multiple facilities available to make reservations is displayed on the My > Access > Reservations > Reserve a Facility and Public Website > Reserve a Facility page.
  • Enhanced UI/UX in the following areas. 
    • Schedule > League/Season/Tourney > Scheduling Grid area.
    • Presentation of the Recurring Payments table displayed on the Member Overview page.
  • Removed restriction for entering equal scores for the set-based games (ex. Tennis). 
  • Fixed YouTube channel widget videos loading issue.
  • Fixed schedule conflict detection issues for the all-day games & practices.
  • Fixed multiple issues in the registration area.
  • Fixed multiple display issues on the public website.
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements.
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