Payment Management

Author: SportsPlus 1222 views

While creating a program you can add payment options like One Time Payment or Multiple Installments or Monthly Payment.

When the registrations are done the payment options with a number of payments and due dates are reflected in the update payments where you can sort the payments by column or filter them by Members and programs. You can also search by using keywords. You can use the reset button to get the original update payment list.

When the payments are made you can update the payments by clicking on Update link under Actions or clear them by clicking on a Clear link. Upon clicking the update button you will get a popup window, if you are not seeing the pop-up window you may disable any type of pop-up blocker for updating purpose.
In the update payment window, you can edit amount, payment status, payment methods, payment date and add some additional information regarding payments in the notes. Don’t forget to click on the Update button, this will save all the updates you have made. The updates will be made instantly.

When the update is made in the organization platform by the organization staff, a notification is sent as well as the changes are updated in the member’s account.
Payments reports can be fetched by filtering by last paid days or past due number of days or upcoming payments. The payment reports can also be sorted by column. Payment reports can be filtered by member or program names. If you are not sure of the complete name then you can use search and type the partial keyword and you will get all related results. If you want to see all the list you can always use reset button and go back to the original payment report page.