Features and Benefits

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Club Management Home Page Features:
All about ‘My’
This unique service provides three prime sub-features like Registrations, Payments and Reservations. Each team and athlete registers in simple steps and these registrations will be reflected under All about ‘My’ section as soon as they are done. This space is only for your account activities, you can easily access Registrations, Payments and Reservations for your account.

In Programs, you can create programs and keep them private till the season start by using “Allow to Register” feature. You can add and modify programs whenever required using add and edit programs features. The eligibility criteria, the dates of a program and vital information in regard to the program can be included using this feature. Athletes and Teams see your programs and they may register in few simple steps.

For an organization, it is important to maintain financial records and payments feature keeps things in place. Updated payments will be reflected once your teams or athletes register for any program and the reports between dates can be obtained once the desired dates are entered.

In simple steps you can create a schedule to program created. Scheduling is one of the main features as it plays an important role in one’s sports life for better time management. Once you click on this feature, a calendar appears. Then click on the desired date to schedule an event. Information such as time, date, venue and other important summaries can be updated.

Every athlete that joins your organization or teams created by your organization shall be listed in this feature. You can also add and delete teams as per the requirement.
Each athlete’s information is portrayed in a simple way so as to find records of name, date of birth, city and contact. You can add and delete athletes any time.
Staff feature lists the personal of the organization along with their designations. This is to make teams and athletes aware of whom to approach at the time of need.