New User Guide

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Getting Started

This guide helps you get going with the SportsPlus Sports Management Platform including how to set up and configure your organization, access your SportsPlus account, create programs, add athletes, teams, and staff members.
For more information on these topics, visit our club management help center.

Update Organization Details

Now that you have created a sports organization with SportsPlus, you can view and update the organization basic details, such as logo, timezone, and contact information. To update the organization details, do the following.

⦁ Log in to your Sportsplus account and stay in the Organization area.
⦁ Navigate to the Visual Settings by performing the below steps.

⦁ Click on the Visual Settings tab. The following page will be displayed, where you can upload/update the organization logo and the background of the application.

For detailed information on the Visual Settings tab, click here.

⦁ Click on the Main Settings tab.
⦁ The following page will be displayed, where you can update the name, time zone, type, primary sport, email address, phone number, website URL, and contact details of your organization.

For detailed information about the Main Settings tab, click here.

Configure Organization Website

As you have provided all the details about your organization, there has never been a better time than now to create your own organization website. Why? Because SportsPlus comes with an advanced and convenient website building features that allow you to create a beautiful and professional website on your own.

To do so, you are initially required to activate the website and later configure it as per your requirements. So, how can I activate my organization website?

⦁ Navigate to the Website Settings by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Activate Website.
⦁ Your organization website gets activated and will be accessible to the public.
⦁ You can now configure the website by customizing the visual settings, header links, and security-related settings.
⦁ Alternatively, you can also add new web pages and/or add widgets to your website. For detailed information about the Website Settings tab, click here.

Please contact us to connect your domain to your website. There is no extra cost to connect your domain.

Set up Registration

As you have successfully configured the organization website, you can now create programs and make them available for the players and parents which allow them to register. To create a new program, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Programs by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Add Program to start creating a new program. For detailed information on how to Create &Manage Programs, click here.

Working with Fields

A field can be an indoor or outdoor facility to conduct the sporting activities. It can be a field, court, gym, pool, rink, etc. that you can add to your organization. To add a new field, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Fields by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

Click on Add Field to add a new field to your organization. For detailed information on how to add & manage fields,  click here.

Organization Athletes & Staff Members

An organization is not complete until you add athletes and staff members on board. With the easy-to-use features, SportsPlus allows you to conveniently add & manage athletes and staff members to your organization.

Adding an Athlete

Athletes will be added to your organization mainly in 3 ways:

⦁ When they register for a program
⦁ By uploading from a file (Bulk Upload)
⦁ Adding one by one manually

SportsPlus provides an easy way to add athletes along with all the important details, such as athlete’s first & last name, DOB, email address, and contact number at one place. To add the first athlete, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Athletes by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Add Athlete to add your first athlete to your organization. For detailed information on how to add & manage athletes, click here.

Adding a Staff Member

As you have created the organization, you will be considered as the first staff member of your organization with all the admin privileges. You can update your personal details and also can add new staff members to the organization with the access rights. To add a staff member, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Staff Members by performing the below steps.⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click  on to view options for updating your details and to add family members.
⦁ Click on  to add a new staff member. For detailed information on how to add & manage staff members, click here.

Working with Age Groups & Divisions

In order to keep the competition balanced, you can create age groups and divisions before you start adding the teams.

Adding an Age Group

An age group classifies the athletes of same sport based on their birth year. To add a new age group, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Age Groups by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Add Age Group to add the first age group to the organization. For detailed information on managing the age groups, click here.

Adding a Division

A division classifies the athletes who play the same sport at similar competitive levels. To add a new division, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Divisions by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Add Division to add the first division to the organization. For detailed information on managing the divisions, click here.

Working with Teams

Because team management features are built into SportsPlus, you can easily add & manage multiple teams in your organization.

Adding a New Team

Our all-in-one team management features allow you to manage team schedules, roster, volunteers and facilitate easy and effective communication with all team members. To a add a team, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Teams by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Add Team to start adding a new team to your organization. For detailed information on how to add & manage teams, click here.

Working with Schedules

As you have added athletes, fields, and teams to your organization, you can now create leagues, tournaments & seasons and later can add match, practice & event schedules. Our application comes with advanced scheduling tools that allow you to easily organize tasks and create schedules more conveniently, including automated reminders.

How to Schedule a Match/Practice/Event?

To add a schedule, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Calendar View by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ 3. Click on the plus or current date or any date from the future to add a match or practice or event. For detailed information on how to add & manage schedules, click here.

How to View Past Matches?

To deliver maximum adequacy, SportsPlus comes with an advanced feature to list out the past schedules of your organization, where you can view and update the scores of the past matches.

To view past schedules of your organization, do the following.

⦁ As you are already on the Calendar View page, simply click on the List View (toggle button located at the top of the page).
⦁ Alternatively, you can also navigate to the List View by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Tick mark the View Past Schedules option. For detailed information on viewing past schedules, click here.

Bulk Upload Operations

To deliver ease in terms of adding the athletes, fields, schedules, and teams to your organization, SportsPlus provides bulk upload features that allow you to upload athletes, fields, games (matches) and practices to the organization.

Upload Athletes

This feature allows you to upload athletes in bulk to your organization, using a .csv file. To perform a bulk upload, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Tools by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Click on Upload Athletes.
⦁ Now, create a ‘csv’ file with all the athlete details in the SportsPlus defined structure. For detailed information on uploading the athletes, click here.

Upload Game/Match Schedules

This feature allows you to upload games/matches in bulk to your organization, using a ‘csv’ file. To perform a bulk upload, do the following.

⦁ On the Tools page, click on Upload Game/Match Schedules.
⦁ Now, create a .csv file with all the game details in the SportsPlus defined structure. For detailed information on uploading the games/matches, Click here.

Upload Practice Schedules

This feature allows you to upload practices in bulk to your organization, using a ‘csv’ file. To perform a bulk upload, do the following.

⦁ On the Tools page, click on Upload Practice Schedules.
⦁ Now, create a .csv file with all the practice related details in the SportsPlus defined structure. For detailed information on uploading the practices, Click here.

Update Your Personal Info

It is always important to keep your personal information & contact details up-to-date all the time. Accordingly, the easy-to-use features of SportsPlus enable you to update & ensure that all your personal details are correct & secured. To update your personal information, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Update My Info by performing the below steps.

⦁ Alternatively, you can also hover the cursor on the account profile picture located at the top-right corner of the page and click on the Update Info as shown below.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Update your personal, parent/guardian, and contact related information and then click on Save. For detailed information on updating the personal info, Click here.

Communication Preferences

Communication is the key to success in sports management and an organization filled with teams, athletes, and staff members are required to communicate flawlessly so that everybody should be on the same page.

With SportsPlus, you will never be left behind, it will automatically send email & text notifications to the athletes, coaches, and parents regarding all the important organization updates and also allows you to initiate manual communication activities.

How to Compose a New Message?

Let the communication begin by messaging the whole group or to just a few members of your organization.

⦁ Navigate to the Compose Message by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ Choose the recipient, enter your message and hit the Send button. Your message will be delivered in no time. For detailed information on the communication preferences, click here.

Configuring Payment Gateway

A payment gateway is an e-commerce application that securely validates the customer’s credit card details and processes the online payment. A payment gateway facilitates the payment transactions by transferring the key information amongst the payment portals and the front-end processor or banks.

As a new organization, it is necessary for you to configure a payment gateway for receiving online payments.

SportsPlus is integrated with three secure payment gateway services, among which you can choose any one gateway. We strongly recommend using WePay for which we can provide the best credit card processing rate.

Choose Your Payment Gateway

To select the payment, do the following.

⦁ Navigate to the Payment Processing by performing the below steps.

⦁ The following page will be displayed.

⦁ To add a new payment gateway, click on Setup Payment Gateway.
⦁ The list of payment gateways will be displayed. For detailed information on configuring the payment gateway, Click here.

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