How to Record In-person (On-site) Program Registrations?

Author: SportsPlus 829 views

Sometimes, it becomes quite necessary for the organizations to conduct in-person program registrations, where the athletes fill & submit the application forms manually or show up at an event. Taking the in-person registrations into concern, Thapos allows the organization staff members to,

  1. Add the registrants as the athletes.
  2. Register them to the organization program(s).
  3. Update the payment status of the athletes.

How to Add the Athletes?
To add a new athlete, follow the below steps.

  • After logging in to the Thapos application, ensure that you’re in the Organization area.
  • Click on Manage from the left navigation menu and then click on Athletes.
  • The list of athletes will be displayed as shown below.
  • Click on the Add Athlete button located at the top-right side of the page.
  • The ‘Add Athlete’ page will be displayed, where you are required to provide the following details.
  • Email Address: The unique email address of the athlete.
  • First Name: The first name of the athlete.
  • Last Name: The last name of the athlete.
  • Date of Birth: The date of birth of the athlete.
  • Gender: The gender of the athlete.
  • Phone Number: The contact number of the athlete.
  • Temporary Account Password: The athlete will use the temporary password on their first-time account login, which he/she can later change.
  • Click on Add to add the athlete to the organization.

How to Register an Athlete for the Program?
To register an athlete, follow the below steps.

  • From the Organization area, navigate to Manage >> Athletes page.
  • The list of all the organization athletes will be displayed.
  • Select the athlete and mouse hover on the  icon located under the Actions column.
  • A pop-up menu will be displayed as shown below.
  • Click on Register for a Program. The following pop-up will be displayed.
  • Select the relevant program from the drop-down and click on Register to register the athlete to the selected program.

(Note: The programs in the drop-down will be displayed based on the date of birth & gender of the athlete. If you don’t find any program, then it might be because of the date of birth & gender of the athlete are missing or the program eligibility requirements are not matching with the current athlete.)

  • The athlete will receive an automated email about the program registration.
  • As you have successfully registered the athlete to the organization program(s), you may now update the payment status.

How to Update the Payment Status of the Athletes?
To update the payment status, follow the below steps.

  • From the Organization area, click on Payments from the left navigation menu and then click on Update Payments.
  • The list of payment records will be displayed as shown below.
  • If there is any registration fee for the program, then two payment records will be displayed for each athlete (one for registration fee & one fee program fee).
  • Select the relevant payment record and click on the  icon located under the Actions column.
  • The following pop-up will be displayed.
  • Provide the following details.
    • Amount Paid: Enter the amount paid by the athlete. By default, it will show the total/due amount.
    • Paid With:
      • Choose the relevant payment mode from the drop-down list.
      • You may select between the Check, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer & Other payment modes.
    • Summary: Add relevant payment notes. For example, if the payment has done through a check, then enter information such as check number, issuing bank name & check dated.
    • Paid On: Enter the payment receipt date.
    • This payment is: You can also waive the payment either fully or partially.
      • Select waived partially to waive some part of the amount. (Note: If you have selected waived partially option, then the waiver amount entered in the amount paid field should be less than the total/due amount.)
      • Select waived fully to waive the total amount. (Note: If you have selected waived fully option, then the waived amount in the amount paid field is set with the total due amount and can’t be changed.)
    • Click on update to save the athlete payment details.


  • All the payment records, except those with the payment status as not paid will display a symbol beside the name of the athlete. Click on it to view the payment summary.
  • To clear the payment details of an athlete, click on the  icon. (Warning: This action will erase the current payment details of the athlete and it is not reversible.)

For more information on how to update the payment status of the program registrations, click here.