How to Import Players into Thapos from Other Platforms?

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Thapos supports bulk importing of the athletes from other sports management platforms through a .csv file. For each athlete, an account will be created automatically. The athletes will then receive an account creation mail along with the link to activate and access their account with Thapos.

Create ‘.csv’ file

Before you start creating the ‘csv’ file, identify the athlete fields that are to be included in the file. To do so, perform the following steps.   

  • Login into Thapos app
  • Click on Super Admin >> Tools >> Upload Athletes
  • Click on Download Sample Data 
    • Go through the ‘sample.csv’ file, and create a new ‘csv’ file with all the athlete details in the same format
  • Or else click on View all member properties
    • Go through the ‘member-properties.txt’  file, and create a new ‘csv’ file with all the athlete columns defined in the text file

While uploading the athletes, you may also register them directly to any of your organization programs. To do so, you are required to provide the Register Program ID in the ‘csv’ file.
Note:  The column names and structure of the file should not be changed.

What is the Register Program ID & where to find it?

For every program you create, a unique program ID will be created automatically. To view the program ID,

  • Go to Registration menu, and click on Programs.
  • The list of programs will be displayed.
  • Select the desired program and click on the program name.
  • The Program View page is displayed.
  • You may find the program ID in the URL (as shown below).
  • For example, the program ID for the Real Challengers program is 309.
  • Enter the above ID in the Register Program ID column of the ‘csv’ file for one athlete or all the athletes to get them registered for the Real Challengers program.
  • The athlete(s) then may continue with the payment process to complete the registration.

Note: For each athlete, you can provide only one program ID in the Register Program ID column, which means you are allowed to register one athlete for one program only.

Upload ‘.csv’ file

After creating the ‘csv’ file, perform the following steps.

  • Browse & upload the file
  • Enter a default password
    • The players will use the default password on their first-time account login.
    • Later, they will be asked to change their account passwords.
  • If you want to send an invitation email message to all the players, then check mark the option or else uncheck it
  • Click on Validate Data
    • It will verify whether the columns entered in the ‘csv’ file matches with the columns defined in the Thapos database or not
    • If the columns mismatch or any mistake occurs in the data, then an error message will be displayed on the screen
    • Upon successful, the player details entered in the ‘csv’ file will be displayed on the screen
  • Click on Upload & Create Accounts & confirm your action

Success! You’ve imported all the players into Thapos. To view the imported athletes, click on Manage >> Athletes