How to send payment reminders automatically to the members?

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To send payment reminders automatically to the members, follow the steps below.

  • After logging into the SportsPlus application as an organization staff member, ensure that you’re in the organization area.
  • Click on Super Admin from the left navigation menu and click on Org Settings.
  • The following screen will be displayed.
  • Click on Payments, and the following screen will be displayed.
  • To enable sending reminders, click on Yes, as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Once you click on Yes, the following options will be enabled.
  • Send the first reminder before: Select the number of days from the drop-down to send the first reminder before the payment due date.
  • Send the second reminder before: Select the number of days from the drop-down to send the second reminder before the payment due date.

Note: The maximum number of days allowed for sending the reminder before the due date is seven days.

  • Send the third reminder on or after: Select the number of days from the drop-down to send the third reminder after the payment due date. You can also select On Due Date as an option to send the reminder on the due date.
  • Send the fourth reminder after: Select the number of days from the drop-down to send the fourth reminder after the payment due date.

Note: The maximum number of days allowed for sending the reminder after the due date is 14 days.

  • As shown in the screenshot below, click on Save to save all the changes made to the Payment Reminder Settings.
  • Once you click on Save, the payment reminders will automatically be sent, based on the settings you made, before/ after the due date.