How to send messages to a specific group in my club?

Author: SportsPlus 892 views

SportsPlus allows you to send messages to a specific group of both staff members and non-staff. You can send welcome messages, payment reminders, game or event reminders. You can use a template or compose a custom message for each group.

How to compose and send a message?

To compose a message, follow the below steps. 

  • After logging into the SportsPlus application, ensure that you’re in the organization area.
  • Click on Message from the left navigation menu and click on Compose Message.
  • The following page will be displayed.
  • To send a message to a specific group, select the right recipient options available, as displayed in the screenshot below.
  • Based on the group selected, relevant options will be provided for that group.
    • Organization Members: If you want to send a message to a specific group of organization members, you can select from the options displayed in the screenshot below.
  • Program Registrants: If you want to send a message to a specific group of program registrants, select a program from the drop-down and choose the registrants from the options displayed in the screenshot below.
  • Overdue Members: If you want to send a message to a specific group of members whose payments are overdue, you can select from the options displayed in the screenshot below.
  • Team Members: If you want to send a message to a specific group from the team members, select a team from the drop-down and select from the options displayed in the screenshot below.
  • Tournaments: If you want to send a message to a specific group of team members who are a part of tournaments, select a tournament from the drop-down and select from the options displayed in the screenshot below.

Note: This option is only available for tournament operators.