How to publish items to an online store?

Author: SportsPlus 882 views

SportsPlus allows you to list merchandise like jerseys, balls, shoes., on the SportsPlus powered online store for both the staff and non-staff members to purchase.  Members can place orders from the public website or from within their account.

How to publish items to an online store?

To publish items to an online store, follow the steps below,

  • After logging into the SportsPlus application as an organization staff member, ensure that you’re in the organization area.
  • Click on Shop from the left navigation menu and click on Item Lists.
  • The following screen will be displayed.
  • To publish items to an online store, you must first add items and then create an item list with the items you want to publish. Items are published and made available for ordering through one or more item lists.
  • To add an item list, click on the green plus icon, and the following page will be displayed.
  • To know more information about adding an item list, click here.
  • After adding items to the item list, click on Type, and the following list will be displayed. 
  • Select Online Store from the drop-down menu, and the items added to the item list will be published to the online store.
  • The items published to an online store will be displayed as shown in the screenshot below.
  • To know more information about the online store, click here.